Happy Easter, everyone. Your life has value and meaning. I know this because Jesus raised from the dead for you. Never give into despair.
No matter if you come from a broken home, a good home, are a single parent, an orphan, homeless, an ex-con, immigrant, refugee, native-born, rich, middle class, working class, poor, man, woman, identify as something else, active serving, veteran, civilian, in jail, pillar of your community, a “failure in life,” old, senile, young, unborn, or whatever, God wants you to know Him.
Remember Christ is King… so feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and prisoners. Those steps are easy and can reinforce our love for God and our following His commandments of love.
And don’t worry if you fail. I fail all the time. Just get up and try again.
VSS365 Holy Week Series
For holy week, I wrote a series of Very Short Story 365 posts using the daily word to tell the story of Christ’s last week.
Palm Sunday - Word: Mask
Many greeted Him as the messiah, screaming with joy at the top of their lungs. For others, their devotion was thin like a mask, ready to be removed at the first challenge. It was the first day. Palm Sunday. Holy Week had begun.
Holy Monday - Word: Scarlet
The scarlet stripes on the backs of the money changers announced the presence of Jesus, God the Son, in the temple. His father's house had become a den of thieves. But Christ is King, and He began by overturning the fallen regime's tables.
Holy Tuesday - Word: Iron
Jesus stood overlooking Jerusalem, telling His disciples that no stone of the Temple would remain standing. He described an apocalypse, one that did come with steel, iron, and fire. The legions of Rome would destroy it, but the True Temple would remain.
Spy Wednesday - Word: Torch
Good deeds are done in the light, while evil is done in the dark. As the torches brought a shine that paled to the glory of the sun or the Son, Judas agreed to betray Jesus.
Maundy Thursday - Word: Desert
Jesus taught by command, parable, and example in desert and town. Everything He did was to prepare the apostles and future Church for the gift He would give tonight. The Eucharist, the source and summit of life. "Take this and eat it," it was the new covenant.
Good Friday - Word: Captain
The legion captain ordered the cross raised, and so Christ the King was lifted up like the bronze serpent so that all who see may be saved. As He promised, He drew all people, no matter what background, to Himself.
Holy Saturday - Word: Stone
Jesus lay in the tomb; a stone sealed it shut. Hell had been harrowed, souls liberated. Now He rested on the seventh day. Tomorrow would be a new day, a new age for all.
Easter - Word: Lamp
Footage from the movie The Passion of the Christ (2004)
It first was lamp-like, then like an open flame, and soon became brighter than the sun. The light crept out of the seams, then it burst through as the stone rolled. Coming from Jesus Christ, it was His resurrection day. He is Risen, and nothing was the same.
Happy Easter, everyone. Remember, never give in to despair. There is always hope. Reach out if you need to.